Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Pukul Habis books shipped out; reaches North American readers first

New York City, USA - First reported delivery
Thanks to Amazon's global supply chain, Pukul Habis has started reaching readers in North America! Here's a photo of the book in New York City Tuesday morning (22 Nov 2022).

And the one below shows the book in Canada yesterday afternoon - the reader reported that it was overcast and the sun went down early. He will take a photo outside later this week.


25 Nov 2022 update: Here is Pukul Habis experiencing the snow in Canada! I hope the stories will bring the reader to the stifling humidity of plantations in Johor, and the scorching openness of Federal highways as the action unfolds in the war story. Thank you Seb for the support. Enjoy the book! 

Sydney, Australia
Australia-based defence journalist and photographer, Roy Choo, brought his copy of Pukul Habis to see Sydney Harbour. 

I understand that Amazon boxes with the books should arrived in Malaysia and Singapore towards the end of next week. Someone in Singapore updated me that his delivery is due 1 Dec. A friend in Kuala Lumpur got his book via his Amazon UK account.

Ordering from Singapore? Get it from Amazon Singapore.

Have fun opening your box!

Available from Amazon sites that serve your location. "Look Inside" function on some sites shows sample pages.



Canada: Look Inside

France: Look Inside

Germany: Look Inside

Japan: Look Inside



United Kingdom: Look Inside

USA: Look Inside

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