Thursday, November 24, 2022

Early bird price: Pukul Habis book

What an incredible reception to Pukul Habis: Total Wipeout, a fictional story of war in Malaysia and Singapore.

Thanks to strong support from many early birds, Pukul Habis has been ranked as Amazon Singapore's best selling book since its launch earlier this week.

Please take advantage of the early bird pricing before next week. Might review. If ordering in bulk, please do so in batches of five? Any orders larger than that aren't captured by the tracker that ranks the books.

Available from Amazon Singapore, and from Amazon markets in your country.

Order early for the holiday season☺

1 December 2022 update:

Available from Amazon sites that serve your location. "Look Inside" function on some sites shows sample pages.



Canada: Look Inside

France: Look Inside

Germany: Look Inside

Japan: Look Inside



United Kingdom: Look Inside

USA: Look Inside

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