Sunday, May 17, 2020

Circuit breaker Day 41 pix: Republic of Singapore Navy RSN Coastal Command Giraffe coastal surveillance radar

This 1990s radar tower served two masters while keeping track of shipping movements in the Singapore Strait.

The VTIS radar is linked to the Port of Singapore Authority's Vessel Traffic Information System 2 while the Ericsson Giraffe served the Republic of Singapore Navy's Coastal Command (COSCOM).

COSCOM's Giraffe radars were deployed on lattice towers at several places on Singapore island and islets offshore, notably Raffles Lighthouse and Pedra Branca.

Before the Giraffe radar was installed at Horsburgh Lighthouse on Pedra Branca, the RSN modified one of its vessels at an offshore radar platform years earlier. The RSN ship was the little-known auxiliary, RSS Enterprise A301.

Giraffe radars have been retired. In its place is a coastal radar and optronic network that offers better situational awareness in realtime, day and night and in all weather conditions.

The RSN has more than 30 years of experience running radar towers around Singapore. The present radar/optronic network has different locations from the Giraffe network.

COSCOM uses the improved coastal surveillance network to build its surface sea situation picture of shipping lanes around Singapore.

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