Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Hello 2014

Before we close shop for the year, I would like to extend to all of you my best wishes for 2014.

To all the servicemen and servicewomen whom I met this year, thank you for patiently taming my curiosity, for taking me into your confidence by sharing more about the work you do and for walking the talk.

It is always a joy being able to see military units from Malaysia and Singapore firsthand and one is aware when watching a military demo that many hands working behind the scenes are often critical to the show's success. Your personal contributions to the demos I have witnessed have always been uppermost on my mind and I thank you deeply for all that you have done, even though we may not have crossed paths directly. The unprecedented number of study visits conducted in 2013 has left me with quiet admiration and a deep sense of respect for the profession of arms - both sides of the Causeway.

To my mentors, thank you for helping me join the dots. Let's just leave it at that. :-)

Am pleased with the level of sensemaking we achieved this year. The "we" includes contributions from blog readers who wrote in with ideas, suggestions and constructive feedback. I appreciate the time and effort each of you took to frame your thoughts and pen your correspondence.

The bar will be lifted even higher in 2014. Count on it.


  1. Maybe you can also create a website or Facebook page for your blog in 2014. You can also share more photos on Flickr, youtube videos, powerpoints on Slideshare, documents on Scribd, magazines on Issuu and groups like Linkedin and questions on Quora.

  2. the man has a full-time day job. this blog is just his hobby.

  3. One of the best defence blogs ever! Thanks David!

  4. Hey wheres my picture??

  5. Happy new year David ��

  6. Kiss kiss..he he.

  7. Happy new year David,

    Keep on writing yeah!

    Here's to a great 2014 for you and perhaps meeting you at one of the open houses someday :D

  8. Quote:
    Bullying’ Air Force LTC loses court case against neighbour
    Protected January 2nd, 2014 | Author: Editorial

    Edward Teo Boon Hiang
    National Day Award medalist LTC Ng Boo Han, and his wife who ‘bullied’ their neighbour to build their dream home have lost the court case against their neighbour.

    The couple saw the house of their neighbour, retiree Edward Teo Boon Hiang, around Christmas 2010. They were so impressed with his property that they also wanted to rebuild their single-storey corner terrace house similar to Mr Teo’s English country-style double-storey house.

    They asked Mr Teo about his house-builder but were surprised to hear that Mr Teo had self-renovated his own house.


    Maybe you can write more on this case..

  9. Lee Hsien Loong was born in 1952.

    Enlisted in SAF as a Recruit in 1971.

    Disrupted his OCS training and was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in 1971.

    Went to Cambridge on a President's Scholarship and graduated in 1974. Returned to SAF as a Lieutenant.

    He was then promoted to Brigadier General in 1983 (he also disrupted to do a Masters degree at Harvard in 1980).

    Basically he served 8 years of active service in the SAF, in which time he was promoted from Lieutenant to BG (that's six ranks).

    The ranks of CPT to COL all have two grades each. Meaning that he was promoted NINE times in eight years.

    Truly a military legend. Patton, Pershing, Mountbatten, MacArthur and Powell are all left trailing in his wake.
