Saturday, March 16, 2013

Navy@Vivo 15 to 17 March 2013

All battleships are warships.

But all warships are not battleships.


  1. Why spend so much on defence? UN can protect Singapore. Singapore dun even need an army in the first place. Who will attack Singapre?

  2. NimPehTellYouThe SoundOf ReasonMarch 16, 2013 at 1:38 PM

    Aliens. Never see the film Battleship ah?

  3. I can understand the irksome feeling when laymen confuse big gun 'battleships' with 'warships', or when they harbour misconceptions of about the United Nations and belittle the need for an effective SAF.

  4. To those who always think UN can protect Singapore should read more and know more about what UN really means before posting comment without knowing anything.

    If one think that Singapore dont even needed an Armed Force and NO one will attack us then he/she must be still having a very sweet dreams... Always believed as long as there is a so call UN will be enough to protect us.

    Btw, Singapore Channel together with Strait of Malacca is one of very importance sea route around the world. Who ever control/choke this route will impact the world shipping land. A very importance Military Tactical key hole.

  5. UN is backed by the US. Since the UN is formed there have been no more war. If forces is needed, UN will dispatch a peacekeeping force so why we need to spend money on our own armed forces? Might as well give the money to those who need it.

  6. To those who think that UN will render assistance immediately, effectively when your country is being bullied, you will be disappointed.
    Anyway, you can read up on line on what's reality. It is imperative that SG continue to maintain a capable Air, Sea, Land force.
    This capability needs time to build up.
    There are just many things that the ordinary person do not perceive as possible future threats.

    C/S 24 Seira

  7. there r pple out there that is just plain ignorant on thinking on UN will protect countries!!!!!!! there has no been no major wars for the past 68 yrs since End of WW2 is coz of the lesson and pain learnt then by our forefathers. As the WW2 generation dissappear, one shld not expect the the next major conflict not to happen again. The deterence posed by the might of SAF cannnot be denied by our neighbours and any aggressors.

  8. This guy placing his faith in UN is a symptom of faith in government.

    He believes the government is responsible for everything. And sees the UN as a big government. God is the ultimate government. At home, he forms a little government of his own family.

    This is the sad fate of many Singaporeans.

  9. To anon 830pm,

    Edward R. Murrow - "A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves."

    This sad mentality is a result of decades of nanny state... which many Singaporeans are only just starting to wean itself off, a good thing...

    OTOH, we are also witnessing in our generation a nation that has been the beacon of libertarian ideals, USA, sliding down that path, and perhaps beyond to totalitarianism

  10. But some USD400+ warships are no battleship. Because they belong to the class of coastal patrol craft and coast guard cutter. Not hardened to take naval battle hits. They also give this ship a nice name. Like Littoral combat ships or LCS. Baffling.

  11. Where can I buy those USD400+ warships? Sounds like a bargain.

  12. Sorry, Sirs: 400 million USD.
    A million apologies. (Heat of the battle stress.)

  13. Lackeys and running dogs are seldom smart. They cannot be expected to know the difference between a battleship and a warship.

    I spit on you. You must find a way to feed your family.

    But you do it at the expense of everybody else's. So I wish yours dead a million times over.
