Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Defence Info Management: Newspaper Jargon

Military professionals tasked with defence info management must quickly come to grips with jargon and trade terms used by the media.

For example, a grasp of newspaper trade terms will help one navigate and understand the work flow that governs how a newspaper is put together.

The following image is a useful starter kit for warfighters who oversee info ops.

My friends and I will help you.

Invest time to learn this new battlespace. Preferably away from that noisy bar staffed by that PRC waitress from Zhejiang Province with a 21" waistline. Distracting. :-)


  1. where? :P

    One thing caught my eye...the handphone back then cost $1488?! Never realized it.

  2. Can't tell you where. Rahsia. As I said before, the system isn't stupid.

  3. Hey, is that "noisy bar" in Holland Village, which is frequented by some people almost every night?

  4. I steer clear of Holland V as I don't want to bump into a certain individual who frequents the place : )

  5. Does he water at Wala Wala?

  6. bingo! catch him there from 9.30pm onwards if you want to watch him in action.

  7. His interest isn't the military and public relations but PRC waitresses? Isn't that a risk?

  8. summoning his officers to gather in Holland V joints at night for dicussions and working on the laptop on classified work matters is a bigger risk than dalliance with PRC waitresses!

  9. There could be a honey trap problem and possibility of blackmail...
