Thursday, April 13, 2023

Larry Bond, who co-authored military thrillers with the late Tom Clancy, talks about Pukul Habis on his Facebook page

Delighted to see American author Larry Bond recommend Pukul Habis on his Facebook page after reading the story on a fictional Malaysia-Singapore war. 

Larry co-wrote the military techno-thriller, Red Storm Rising, in the early 1980s with the late author, Tom Clancy. Larry is also known for wargames he designed, such as the bestselling naval wargame, Harpoon.

I sent Larry a copy of the book earlier this year as I wanted the perspective from people not directly linked to the armed forces of Singapore or Malaysia. I value his counsel as an experienced and respected author who has many bestsellers to his name. 

Thank you Larry for all your advice and guidance!

Pukul Habis is available from Books Kinokuniya in Singapore and Malaysia.

The book (ISBN 978-9811861499) continues to be available on Do check the Amazon sites that serve your location. "Look Inside" function on some sites shows sample pages.



United Kingdom: Look Inside

USA: Look Inside. When ordering from Singapore, please click on the "Shipping to Singapore?" button. Ignore the "Temporarily out of stock" notice on the page.


  1. Thanks. I have ordered the book from Amazon and look forward to reading it.

  2. I saw that too, and have been thinking it would be interesting to create scenarios for the Harpoon wargame based on the book.
