Sunday, May 12, 2013

Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) Navy Open House 2013: Special high speed vessel

Caught on camera at Changi Naval Base (CNB), a new vessel (right) that could be on trial by the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN).

To the left of the image is a RSN Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV).

To the USV's right is an unknown type of surface vessel, with civilian registration. The pronounced flare of the hull and enclosed slope-sided superstructure suggests it was designed for high-speed runs and low observability on radar. The fast craft may rely partly on the surface effect for its speed.

Find out more of the RSN's warships and capabilities at the Navy Open House 2013, which will be staged from 18 to 19 May'13.


  1. Hmm, was the vessel to the right of the USV int he photo locally registered or foreign. I'm thinking maybe it's the HSV-2 Swift (a hybrid catamaran):

  2. You are a fucking idiot. Have you no sense of size and proportion?
