Wednesday, June 2, 2010

myPaper article... My goodness

Source: myPaper 2 June 2010, Page 2


  1. Sure kena charged!

  2. Sgt doing section training with his men in the brothel?

  3. Section Training? ..more like Live Firing exercise !

  4. As long as no misfire. Also must make sure the weapon remains in good condition. If used in wrong situation, may get rusty or coated with unsavoury materials.

  5. Its about time an article like that appeared. I'll tell you what's going to happen in MINDEF. Level 5 will jump first - then PAFF Directorate will hyperventilate and blabber that it is not MINDEF's responsibility, it is the SAF's responsibility to see to the discipline of troops.

    The SAF is going to say that they will look into it - draft some internal communications out to every serviceman with a computer, and tick an imaginary box as job done. Some poor staff officer is going to burn a few sleepless nights crafting the document in 'just the right language'.

    The unit which the unidentified serviceman belongs to is going to have a bad rep, meaning the route of advancement of its commanders is abruptly cut-off. (No senior LTC Rank mate!)Either way, no one will feel the effect of any corrective measures, and the Officer corps is going to blame the Warrant Officer corps for not upholding discipline - Because it was their job anyway.

    The NSFs will laugh and carry on, NSmen will continue to visit brothels because they are away from their wives for weeks on end, and someday, someone in MINDEF will realise it was ridiculous to even think that they could control the actions of every serviceman.

  6. Final Five talks like he knows what is going to happen. ass

  7. looks like someone knows better enough to call people smart ass eh?

    oddly enough I agree with FinalFive, though I think people will still get promoted, just takes longer.

  8. The news is Taiwan was much hotter. Accidents happen due to a series of errors. What I heard from this incident is much different from what is actually reported.

    I think PAFF should really step out and explain the incident and not, once again, leave to public speculation.
